"Internet Compatibility"
   If you are having problems playing the music press here
Web Master Peter McCarthy BEM
More marches will be on line soon.
RE: Internet Explorer Compatibility

We recommend viewing all interactive content on this site using Internet Explorer.

We recognize that our visitors may have various operating systems and Internet browsers. Although we want every visitor to have the best possible experience on your website, please understand it is impossible to provide webpage’s that work identically, efficiently, and effectively with all browsers and settings.

We pride ourselves with giving our visitors a modern web browsing experience. We fully support the latest major releases of
Safari, Fire Fox, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer however; there are some features (Mainly Music/Score Playback) that may only work in standards compliant browsers (Specifically Internet Explorer).

Microsoft recently released
Internet Explorer 9, which is a huge improvement over its previous versions (6, 7 and 8). However, since IE9 does require Windows 7, we will continue to provide full support and all functionality for all Internet Explorer users.

Remember the ones in orange play music and turn the sound on.


Peter McCarthy